Books written exclusively for the educational market

published by

American Reading Company

Delores's Dream

Book Summary: Delores Elmore was a child of the Great Black Migration.  Her family’s journey to the North gave her educational opportunities not possible in the South. School was everything to Delores.  

She decided early on that she wanted to be a teacher. Her dream was delayed, but not denied. Delores found other ways to share her passion for education. Her legacy lives on in the work of her children Ron Walker and Rita Hunter. Here, they tell her story. 

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Phillis Wheatley: Black Heroes of the American Revolution

2024 Campoy-Ada Award Winner

Book SummaryPhillis Wheatley: Black Heroes of the American Revolution is a historical profile of Phillis Wheatley's life.

She  was more than the first African American person to publish a book of poetry. As she witnessed the events of the American Revolution firsthand, she used her pen and her voice to compare the colonists’ fight for freedom to Black people’s fight for freedom. Her hard work, literary talent, and success opened doors for generations of Black heroes to come

Direct purchases can be made at American Reading at Home Bookstore by clicking HERE

Princess Patel and the Pea

Book SummaryPrincess Patel and the Pea is a twisted retelling of the traditional fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea. Featuring bi-racial characters and a prince who finds his princess while doing the thing he loves the most . . . painting. How can his mother, the queen, be convinced that the wacky artist who paints rocks is indeed a TRUE PRINCESS?

Direct purchases can be made at American Reading at Home Bookstore by clicking HERE 

Snow Queen

Snow Queen is a non-fiction book about the life cycle of Arctic bees.

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